How to send out an external survey

Set up an external survey


1. Go to survey on the front page.

No access to survey? See this manual on how to configure survey.


2. Now you have the following options:

  • Red arrow: Previous/current surveys
  • Green arrow: See tasks in survey
  • Yellow arrow: Create new survey


Create survey

3. First step is to create/edit the questionnaire. Go to ‘Configuration in the left menu.


4. Go to the tab Survey, click on ‘Questions and questionnaires’ and click on ‘View and edit questionnaires’.

If you have any questions or want to see our standard questionnaire for survey, contact support at


5. When the questionnaire is done, the survey can be started. Click on ‘+ New survey’.


6. Now you must decide if you want an internal survey with your company’s organisational structure, or if you want to an external survey where you create the organisational structure and add the employees yourself.

The internal survey is good for well-being surveys within the employees, and the external survey is good for customer satisfaction surveys or surveys for external partners.
This is the manual for the external survey. See the manual for the internal survey here.


7. Give your external organisation a name (red arrow) and click “Create” (yellow arrow).


8. You can create departments (red arrow) and teams (yellow arrow). Under a department you can create more sub departments or teams.


9. When you create teams and departments, you can edit them and change their owner and make delegations by the clicking on the pencil (red arrow). When you open a team, you do not add employees like you do in the main organisation. You add them later in the process.


10. Go back to the view of the external organisation and click on the breadcrumb text to go there (red arrow).


11. You can edit your organisation /red arrow) or use it in a survey (yellow arrow).


12. Follow this procedure:

  1. Select department for the survey. Be aware that there must be a minimum of 4 participants in the entire survey.
  2. Select questionnaire for the survey.
  3. Select if your survey is anonymous or not anonymous for the report responsible. The report will automatically be anonymous for everybody else in the organisation. If you want the survey to be anonymous for the report responsible, tick off the box.
  4. Click on ’Create’ to continue.



13. Fill in these details:

  1. Name of your survey.
  2. Set a start date.
  3. Set an end date.
  4. Write a text for the employees to be sent with the survey link. It is also possible not to write anything.
  5. Decide if the managers are allowed to see the statistics for their teams
  6. Finish by clicking ’Save’.


14. If you allow the managers to see the statistics, you can write a text that will be sent to the managers, when the survey is finished.


15. Now you can add participants to your external survey. You can do it in two ways: By excel or manually. If you do it manually, click on the icon by each team (red arrow). Then you can write their name and e-mail. You can also add all the employees by excel. Click on the link in the yellow bar at the top or under Manage (yellow arrows).


16. A pop up will show and you can download the excel file. Follow this procedure:
  1. Download the file and write the employees’ names and e-mails. If you have several teams, there are There are more tabs at the bottom of the excel, if you have several teams. Save the file.
  2. Click ”Choose file” to find the file on your computer.
  3. When the file is selected, click “Upload”.

The system is now loading the employees in the system. You will receive an e-mail when it it done.

Yellow arrow: Click on ”Help” to see a short video of how to do it.


17. The questionnaire is automatically sent out to the participants on the selected start date. You can remove people/teams to not be included in the survey until the start date. Click on the team icon (yellow arrow) to fold out the team. Here you can remove individual employees by clicking on the bin (green arrow). If you regret it, click on the plus sign (purple arrow) and add them back in again. If you want to edit the setup of the survey such as the start date, you do it under “Manage” (red box).


Manage survey

1. When the survey has started, you can see how many have answered so far (red arrow). The yellow warning sign (green arrow) notifies when there are too few answers in a team to maintain the anonymity.

2. When the survey has startet, you have the following options:
  • Red arrow: See how many have answered in each team.
  • Green arrow: Edit survey.
  • Blue arrow: See who has access to the survey. 
  • Yellow arrow: Send reminders to those, who have not answered yet.
  • Purple arrow: Close the survey. When it is closed, it is not possible to answer the survey.


3. You have to close the survey in order to get to the reports and to make a minute/action plan. Click on ’Manage’ (red arrow) and click on ’Stop answer gathering’ (green arrow).


4. When you have stopped answer gathering, you need to look at the anonymity. Teams with the warning sign is with less than four persons who have answered (green arrow).

These teams must be merged with another team to have minimum four answers (red arrow).


5. In the following example all management teams have been merged into one team, and the teams 'Produktion' og 'Forarbejdning” are merged.

See how in this video. 




6. When all teams have a minimum of 4 answers, you can close the survey. Click on ”Manage” and select ”Close survey” (red arrow).


The name of which teams are merged will appear in the minute/action plan.



7. When all the anonymity issues have been taken care of and the survey is closed, reports can be downloaded.
  1. Select department or team(s).
  2. Select the specific department(s) or team(s).
  3. Decide if you want the report based on specific questions. If none is selected, you will receive a report of all the questions in the used questionnaire.
  4. Decide if you want an average. Decide upon none, automatic or manual average.
  5. Compare with other surveys.
  6. Download the PDF.


8. The report shows the answers in a graph.


9. At the bottom of the report, there is a distribution of how they have answered and how many did not answer.



If you have the delegation to read the comments from the survey, they can be downloaded as an excel file. Read more here - Export survey comments .