Set up your price package
Try our price calculator and find the solution best suited for your needs
Evovia offers different options for number of licenses, types of setup and courses.
You can set your own price package and receive a non-binding offer.
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Get access from only € 425 annually
A license is € 425 annually which gives 1 manager access to all of the leadership tools. In addition to this, you will need to decide upon setup type and course for managers.
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Evovia offers different types of setup. Click on your wanted setup type.
Do it yourself
This setup includes the following:
Evovia sets up the organisation and managers
You create the employees
You set up your questionnaires
This setup includes the following:
Evovia sets up the organisation and managers
Evovia creates the employees
Evovia sets up your questionnaires
This setup includes the following:
Evovia sets up the organisation and managers
Evovia creates the employees
Evovia sets up your questionnaires
A leadership consultant from Evovia facilitates translation of your strategic focus areas into themes and specific questions in your questionaire
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Evovia offers different courses for managers who want to use our digital leadership tools. Click on your wanted course.
2 hour kick-off
+ VAT and transportation
This setup includes the following:
Visit by a consultant for 2 hours
Course on leadership suited to your needs
Training in Evovia's tools
Copies of our management book (in Danish)
Half day kick-off
+ VAT and transportation
This setup includes the following:
Visit by a consultant for a half day
Course on leadership suited to your needs
Training in Evovia's tools
Copies of our management book (in Danish)
Full day kick-off
+VAT and transportation
This setup includes the following:
Visit by a consultant for a full day
Course on leadership suited to your needs
Training in Evovia's tools
Copies of our management book (in Danish)
Receive your offer
You will receive your price calculation on e-mail so you can easily find it.
Your price
Per year: 0 + VAT
First year: 0 + VAT
Let talk about
your options
We will call you so that we can find a solution together.